Aug 15, 2018

Equipment Utensil 14/8/18

Double Boiler

A pot with two sections. The lower section, similar to a stockpot, holds boiling water. The upper section holds foods that must be cooked at low temperatures and cannot be cooked over direct heat. Size of top section: 4–36 quarts (liters )
material :  stainless steel ,
how to clean  : wash with soap and rince with water , and replace the blades when rusty, or splash with water

Hotel Pan

Also called counter pan, steam table pan, or service pan. A rectangular pan, usually made of stainless steel. Designed to hold foods in service counters. Also used for baking, steaming, and subsequent serving. Also used for storage. Standard size: 12 ×20 inches. Fractions of this size (1⁄2, 1⁄3, etc.) are also available. Standard depth: 21⁄2 inches (65 mm). Deeper sizes are also available. (Standard metric pan is 325 × 530 mm.)
material :  stainless steel ,
how to clean  : wash with soap and rince with water , and replace the blades when rusty, or splash with water

Rice Cooker

To make steam rice
material :  stainless steel , luarhnya biasanya, plastic ,
how to clean  : wash with soap and rince with water , and replace the blades when rusty, or splash with water

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