Aug 27, 2018

Daily Activity 27/8/18 (English)

Yesterday I had a bit of an accident on the way to campus, initially I wanted to ask permission but because there were things that had to be done as a student so I discouraged myself and continued to practice class like usually but i went to home earlier than my friends. Mr. Ical said that tomorrow (Tuesday) there were guests from France and our study program (more precisely is my class), were asked to help make lunch for the guests. After the group was made, my group got the task of making pastry products.

I made a traditional Sikaporo Bugis cake, the ingredients of this cake are very easy but it took patience in steaming, the proof is that i was failed to made this cake many times. Maybe i don't have the talent to make pastry product? btw, Thats all from me

see you on the next blog!

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