Aug 15, 2018

Daily Activity 14/8/18 (English)

Today we learn again about cake decoration, and the basic of cake is Sponge Cake. Because i got something to do, so i left the kitchen and let Novi and Agung made the cake. For the recipe, you can try it at home

Ingredients :
8 pcs Egg
170 gr Granulated Sugar
15 gr TBM
165 gr Flour
20 gr Milk Powder
10 gr Maizena
2 gr Baking Powder
150 gr Butter Melted

How to make it : 
First, turn on the oven at 180 ° C and prepare the mold for the sponge cake mixture.
Prepare all ingredients.
Melt the butter with low heat, but don't bring to boil.
Hand Mixer eggs, sugar, and TBM. mixer until the texture is stiff.
Mix all dry ingredients (flour, flour, milk powder, cornstarch, baking powder) but sieve dry ingredients first.
Pour dry ingredients little by little into the mixture. this method is known as folding method.
Pour the butter, mix until well evenly manually pulled from the bottom to top. for avoid the cake from become bantat.
Pour cake mixture into a mold that has been coated with baking paper.
Put it in the oven and bake at 180 ° C for 20-30 minutes.

When i back at kitchen, i made my own croissant. yeah, i thought it would be great if i could find my own recipe and my own way to proofing the croissant, and the result is not bad for the first day of my experiment.

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