Aug 13, 2018

Daily Activity 13/8/18 (English)

Today was a very very frustrated day. after three times we tried to make croissants, there are no one can accomplished croissants. because of that, we run for 6 round in front of restaurant, and it was really a tired noon. not just croissants, but some of my friends made sponge cake like a "bantet cake"(the cake wasn't proof well, so the texture lilbit hard)

Ah, i was a steward today and i really got mad with the tools that people from Hotel Administration used. it's not like i don't like doing steward, but our class have own rules, like after used the tools we must wash it by our self. and those people from Hotel Administration didn't(okay, maybe some of them washed it, but still most of them didn't). It's really really tiring if the stewards(from our class) should wash the tools that we didn't use. and about the general cleaning, THOSE PEOPLE AGAIN AND AGAIN, didn't cleaned the working tables and stoves properly. Kitchen life in Culinary Arts is not just about studying, cooking, baking, then you can go home after finished your product. NO IS NOT. we learn about respect and clean our own working area too. 
Like another days, we finished the practical day at 18:00+

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