Feb 7, 2018

Daily Activity 7/2/18

Hey, back again with me. Today i wanna tell you about how happy i am when my friends told me that the Orange Flutter what i prepared yesterday and made today taste really good. yeay! i'm very very happy lol actually i was really worried if the orange flavor tasteless.

So, today was different than yesterday because there are three seniors in charge in my class. hm, for your information.. i almost like did nothing today, because i rounded the chocolate and coating with another melted chocolate. lucky me i have the best member group that know what they should do. So they helped me to finished the Orange Flutter and served in oval plate.

After the break, we continue the preparations for tomorrow's menu. My group get Appetizer menu. Which contain Thai Beef Salad and Chinese Spinach with Peanut Salad. Ardy, Randy, and Ayub already prepared the Beef and the dressing in the morning, so Novi and i prepared the Chinese spinach. But, we got a problem because there's no spinach in walkin chiller, then i asked Mr Jaya about the solution, he told me to use "kangkung" to replace the spinach. we only took 1 hour to prepared then we did the general cleaning and then, we went to our home.

here's some pictures about what i and my friends did today.

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