Yesterday was my day, because i did nothing and my team's products (Cucur Bayao and Pisang Ijo) already done at wednesday hahaha. So i only told Novi to make pisang ijo's sauce. Because i have nothing to share, so i will give you a recipe of Pisang Ijo that i made yesterday
Feb 22, 2018
Equipment & Utensil 22/2/18
Name of item :Dish rack/ Plate rack
Function : to hold the plate after wash
How to clean : use liquid soap, clean water and napkin
A plate rack is a stylish and convenient way to store plates. The beauty of a plate rack is that it can be built and installed into an existing cabinetry run. The main limitation to plate racks is that they can only store a select number of plates. This is a storage system best utilized for a formal set of dishes. The plate rack is typically attached to a top cabinet’s underside and to the wall for additional strength. Plates are placed into delineated slots that accept only a single plate per space. Plate racks do not typically have a cabinet door covering them, so they are a visible addition to the cabinetry that some prefer.
Function : to hold the plate after wash
How to clean : use liquid soap, clean water and napkin
A plate rack is a stylish and convenient way to store plates. The beauty of a plate rack is that it can be built and installed into an existing cabinetry run. The main limitation to plate racks is that they can only store a select number of plates. This is a storage system best utilized for a formal set of dishes. The plate rack is typically attached to a top cabinet’s underside and to the wall for additional strength. Plates are placed into delineated slots that accept only a single plate per space. Plate racks do not typically have a cabinet door covering them, so they are a visible addition to the cabinetry that some prefer.
Feb 21, 2018
Beef Satay dan Ayam Betutu
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Beef Satay |
Pada awalnya, para warok di kota Ponorogo menggunakan tusuk lidi ataupun dari potongan bambu untuk pengganti sendok atau grapu sebagai media untuk makan sate, tetapi ada yang masih mempertahankan dengan menggunakan sebuah lidi sebagai tusuk sate, karena pada kala itu masyarakat belum mengenal sendok sejenisnya.
Tradisi memakan daging ayam yang di tusuk dengan pilhan bambu baru diketahui pada abad 15 oleh Batara Katong selaku bupati Ponorogo yang pertama, hingga saat ini potongan daging sate Ponorogo dipotong memanjangkan dan dibuat dengan cara primitif di bandingakan sate lainnya,.
Equipment & Utensil 21/2/18
Combination Oven Steamer
Function: Oven yang bisa untuk mengukus dan roast
Material: Stainless Steel and Machine
How to Clean: Dilap bagian dalamnya dan luar hinggah bersih.
Function: Oven yang bisa untuk mengukus dan roast
Material: Stainless Steel and Machine
How to Clean: Dilap bagian dalamnya dan luar hinggah bersih.
Daily Activity 21/2/18
Hey wassup readers! back again with me, today is Continental Buffet and my team got the main course menu, so this morning i went to kitchen lab before 07:30, the first thing that i did was made steam rice and then around 08:00 a'clock our supervisors told us to one line. After one line, Randy and i fried the chicken lemon grass on chinese wok like Mr. Faisal said so. While frying the chicken, i grill the Chicken Teriyaki on griller. This time Randy and i made a good team work!
Ingredients 22/2/18
Ketumbar sebenarnya berasal dari bagian tenggara benua Eropa dan menyebar hampir ke seluruh penjuru Eropa, menyebar pula ke wilayah Timur Tengah, Cina, India, Turki bahkan Indonesia. Di barat, ketumbar dikenal dengan nama ‘cilantro’. Di sana, ketumbar selain menjadi rempah juga banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai tanaman herbal. Tanaman ketumbar tumbuh tidak terlalu tinggi, daunnya berwarna hijau pekat dengan tekstur yang halus. tanaman ketumbar yang sudah dewasa biasanya akan berbunga dengan bunga yang ukurannya cukup kecil berwarna merah jambu. Dari bunga tersebutlah biji ketumbar akan dihasilkan.
Ketumbar sebenarnya berasal dari bagian tenggara benua Eropa dan menyebar hampir ke seluruh penjuru Eropa, menyebar pula ke wilayah Timur Tengah, Cina, India, Turki bahkan Indonesia. Di barat, ketumbar dikenal dengan nama ‘cilantro’. Di sana, ketumbar selain menjadi rempah juga banyak dimanfaatkan sebagai tanaman herbal. Tanaman ketumbar tumbuh tidak terlalu tinggi, daunnya berwarna hijau pekat dengan tekstur yang halus. tanaman ketumbar yang sudah dewasa biasanya akan berbunga dengan bunga yang ukurannya cukup kecil berwarna merah jambu. Dari bunga tersebutlah biji ketumbar akan dihasilkan.
Feb 20, 2018
Equipment & Utensil 20/2/18
1. Tray
A flat object, usually with raised edges, used for carrying food and drinks, easy to clean with water and soap.
A flat object, usually with raised edges, used for carrying food and drinks, easy to clean with water and soap.
Daily Activity 20/2/18
Yesterday (Tuesday) i came on kitchen before 08:00, first thing that i did was i took out aty's team and my team's preparation from walkin chiller and freezer. at 08:00 we did one line and heard Mr. Faisal explained about "how to portion the foods in buffet". after that, Mr. Faisal told us to work our food products. I came back to my team and tasted the Soto Padang that Aldy had prepared, the taste is really good for your information. i blanched the noodle glass, heated the "Sambal Soto". I wasn't did much because my team already well prepared the soups.
Feb 19, 2018
Equipment & Utensil 19/2/18
1. Kitchen Tweezers
To Help pinning something so small like fish bone or garnish, it made from stainless and easy to clean with water
To Help pinning something so small like fish bone or garnish, it made from stainless and easy to clean with water
Daily Activity 19/2/8
Hello readers, today i came to kitchen lab at 08:18 i knew it was too late but still i didn't got TK on my form absent. We start our routine on kitchen at 09:00, i supposed to get Soup menus, but today i was help Aty's team and handled Main Course menus. oh, for your information today(Monday) we were back on class preparation and the menu is Indonesian Buffet. on main course there are Terong Santan, Plecing Sayur, Ayam Bakar Taliwang, Hagape Daging, Rice, and the other condiments.
We were told by Mrs. Lily that Terong Santan must be prepare on Tuesday because if we prepared (cut the eggplants on monday) today, the eggplants colors will be change into dark.
We were told by Mrs. Lily that Terong Santan must be prepare on Tuesday because if we prepared (cut the eggplants on monday) today, the eggplants colors will be change into dark.
Menus of Indonesian Buffet
Feb 16, 2018
Incharge 14/2/18
Back again with me! yesterday was Valentine's day and i had a duty to incharge my juniors. it was totally absurd day. We started our morning activity with rainy day, and half of MTB 2 A came late. For your information, yesterday we should be start at 07:00 but we started at 07:45 because the rain. As usual me and Aty absent the juniors after that i asked the juniors to explain every thing that they prepared on Tuesday. For your information, yesterday this class got English Breakfast which contains English Muffin, Muffin, Fruit Compote, Cereal, Oatmeal, Fresh Juice Coffee & Tea. They told me about muffins that they made on Tuesday were less and they must make it more again. So at 08:30, i told them to do their products
Feb 12, 2018
Pengolahan Dasar Roti dan Kue 1
Pada postingan kali ini, saya sebagai penulis blog akan mempostingan tugas yang saya dapatkan dari dosen mata kuliah Pengolahan Dasar Roti dan Kue. Dalam tugas ini saya membahas tentang bahan tambahan pembuatan roti yang berfokuskan pada produk Keju.
Keju adalah sebuah makanan yang dihasilkan dengan memisahkan zat-zat padat dalam susu melalui proses pengentalan atau koagulasi. Proses pengentalan ini dilakukan dengan bantuan bakteri atau enzim tertentu yang disebut rennet. Hasil dari proses tersebut nantinya akan dikeringkan, diproses, dan diawetkan dengan berbagai macam cara.
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Cheddar |
Feb 8, 2018
Ingredients 8/2/18
Menurut tulisan karangan Andrew F. Smith "The Tomato in America", tomat kemungkinan berasal dari daratan tinggi pantai barat Amerika Selatan. Setelah Spanyol menguasai Amerika Selatan, mereka menyebarkan tanaman tomat ke koloni-koloni mereka di Karibia. Spanyol juga kemudian membawa tomat ke Filipina, yang menjadi titik awal penyebaran ke daerah lainnya di seluruh benua Asia. Spanyol juga membawa tomat ke Eropa. Tanaman ini tumbuh dengan mudah di wilayah beriklim Mediterania.Daily Activity 8/2/18
Hey readers, welcome back again to my blog. Yesterday i was late to came in kitchen lab because i was slept in my car. i got TK for one hour on my absenteeism, it's okay because i still have another 17 hours before i get SP1. maybe for almost one hour we heard Mr. Faisal's speech then we continue our activity as before. Unfortunately, i was told to accompany kak Sri to go to TSM for waiting Mr. Taufik's friend who already bought some ingredients for us. we had waited for one hour more then we went back again to kitchen lab.
Feb 7, 2018
Equipment and Utensil 7/2/18
Basting Brush
Basting brushes are essential for buttering the tops of breads and baked goods after they come out of the oven. Most basting brushes are now silicone rather than synthetic hair and can more readily handle hot liquids.
While the silicone construction is not as nice to butter with, they do last longer. Basting brushes are handy for more than baking, they're great for basting meats and poultry when roasting or grilling.
Basting brushes are essential for buttering the tops of breads and baked goods after they come out of the oven. Most basting brushes are now silicone rather than synthetic hair and can more readily handle hot liquids.
While the silicone construction is not as nice to butter with, they do last longer. Basting brushes are handy for more than baking, they're great for basting meats and poultry when roasting or grilling.
Daily Activity 7/2/18
Hey, back again with me. Today i wanna tell you about how happy i am when my friends told me that the Orange Flutter what i prepared yesterday and made today taste really good. yeay! i'm very very happy lol actually i was really worried if the orange flavor tasteless.
So, today was different than yesterday because there are three seniors in charge in my class. hm, for your information.. i almost like did nothing today, because i rounded the chocolate and coating with another melted chocolate. lucky me i have the best member group that know what they should do. So they helped me to finished the Orange Flutter and served in oval plate.
Feb 6, 2018
Equipment and Utensil 6/2/18
Parchment Paper
Some home bakers cannot be without parchment paper to line their baking sheets and pans, while others tend to grease the tins. Parchment paper helps with cake removal, does make pan cleaning quicker and it keeps them from discoloring.
Some home bakers cannot be without parchment paper to line their baking sheets and pans, while others tend to grease the tins. Parchment paper helps with cake removal, does make pan cleaning quicker and it keeps them from discoloring.
Daily Activity 6/2/18
Hello guys, today i want to share everything what i and my friends did in Kitchen Poltekpar. So, our class got Celebes Buffet for this Tuesday. And my group got main course menu, which the menus are Konro Bakar, Acar, Kerupuk, Sambal Tomat, Peanut Sauce and Steam rice.
On Monday, as usual my group discussed who handle the menus, and i did the Konro Bakar with Yuli, and Aldy. Aldy made the spices paste and i did the rest with yuli. it's really confusing because we only did the preparation on Monday, and Tuesday we did the final touch. For your information, Mr Faisal told us that "why you took too much hours to made konro bakar ?".