Oct 1, 2018

Ingredients 7/9/18

Coriander Seed
Pronounce: kor-ee-and-er seed

The small, creamy brown seeds of the coriander plant give dishes a warm, aromatic and slightly citrus flavour totally different to fresh coriander leaves. They are commonly used in Indian cooking as well as featuring in Asian, Middle Eastern and Mediterranean dishes.

The best way to get the maximum flavour out of coriander seeds is to dry-fry them. Heat a frying pan, do not add oil, add the seeds and fry them over medium heat, stirring constantly. Seeds are ready when the warm aroma is released. Remove from pan and cool. Seeds can then be used whole or crushed.

Coriander seeds can be stored in an airtight jar in a cool dark place for several months.

Use the seeds for pickling or ground in curry pastes.

Try cumin.


A crustacean that has its skeleton on the outside protecting a soft, flavoursome flesh. There are many varieties of crabs. The most commonly eaten crab in the UK is the common edible or brown crab that weighs up to 3kg and contains plenty of sweet, succulent flesh. Female crabs have sweeter flesh than males.

Crabs are generally in season from April until November.

Choose the best
Choose crabs that feel heavy and don't have liquid sloshing around inside them. If you like white meat buy a cock or male crab. When buying from a fishmonger it is better to buy the crab while it is still alive.

Crabs can react violently to being placed directly into boiling water by shooting their claws. As a result it is considered most humane to place them in a freezer before cooking for at least 2 hours so they become comatose and die. However, the method is only humane if done quickly in a large freezer at a temperature of -18 C.

The most common method used in restaurants is the mechanical destruction method, and this involves using a knife to pierce underneath the crab's abdominal flap. This should only be practiced by trained professionals; the procedure should not take more than 10 seconds and must be carried out once the crab has been desensitised by chilling.

Remove the crab from the freezer and plunge into a pan of salted boiling water, bring it back to the boil and cook it for 30 minutes per kilo, cool rapidly, then dress.

It is vital you remove the grey gills from the body, called 'dead man's fingers' as these are very tough and indigestible.

Fresh crabs should be eaten immediately. Alternatively, freeze cooked crabs and use within three months.

Boiled and served with mayonnaise or in a Mediterranean-style stew laden with garlic and tomatoes.
Crab also makes a delicious addition to linguine dishes.


Pronounce : klo-ve

The dry, unopened flower bud of the tropical myrtle tree family used to flavour a wide variety of sweet and savoury dishes. Cloves can be used whole or ground to impart a strong sweet but spicy and peppery flavour so should be used in moderation to avoid over seasoning.

Insert whole cloves into baked hams or oranges, apples or onions to add flavour or add ground cloves to curries.

It's best to grind whole cloves into powder, using a mortar and pestle, just prior to using them to ensure flavour and freshness are at their peak. To stud an ingredient with cloves, stick whole cloves into it so that the bud heads protrude. Make sure to remove whole cloves before serving as they have a strong, pungent and slightly unpleasant flavour on their own.

Cloves have a long shelf life, lasting up to a year, if they are kept in a cool, dark place away from light.

Try allspice.

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