Oct 6, 2018

Daily Activity 29/8/18 (English)

After the crashed that happened on me yesterday, i decided to came on practice class today. As usual, Mr Ical gave the instruction what will we do for today and after that we prepared all the ingredients. in my team, Novi did her own personal product and Agung should focus on his morning tea team.

So, i should made the cinnamon roll bread basic on sour dough. I had a problem when i did this product because i really dont know how to do this kind of bread. lucky my friends gave me some help.

Ah, because i still learn to make croissant.. i decided to made a croissant basic on sour dough. i forgot to took some pictures of my products because Mr. Ical gone mad. Not only our sour dough bread wasn't good, but our time management really bad that day.

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