Oct 6, 2018

Daily Activity 30/8/18 (English)

Different from yesterday, on this day we entered the practice class around at 11:30. This time it was Kak Jaya who gave directions on what activities we would do and assisted by Chef Salam.

Because we did not want the incident on Wednesday to mourn again, I took the initiative to direct classmates in the group division. Fortunately, my friends are very easy to work with so that what has been set in the collective agreement can be done well too.

I actually not in the Breakfast group that coordinated by Agung, but because I want to improve my skills on making Croissants again and again, I gave them some help. I have to make ordinary Croissants, Almond Croissants and Danish which contain apple pie filling, and i got some help by Yuli and Roni on preparing the ingredients

Not according to my expectations because it turned out that the Croissant I made from sour dough last Wednesday was much better than a croissant that i made today. Unfortunately, I did not have time to capture the croissant photos that I had made

Some of the below are products that our class did, some mini cakes.

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