Oct 7, 2018

Daily Activity 12/9/18 (English)

As my promised that i made on Daily Activity 12/9/18 (Bahasa), in this post i'll explain what is Dacquoise Cake. Ready? Keep reading guys!

It’s not surprising if you’re perplexed by the term dacquoise. While the term is used fairly frequently in the world of cake decorating, the definition is not clear: Is it a specific type of dessert, or is it a type of cake that is used as a component?

Turns out, the term dacquoise (pronounced “dah-kwahze”, in your Frenchest voice, please) can be assigned to both finished dessert and the cake component.

According to Bakepedia, “Originating in the south of France, dacquoise is a meringue made with very finely chopped nuts folded into the mixture before baking.”

Often baked in rounds, dacquoise discs are often then employed as layers in cake creations, stacked with pastry cream, buttercream, whipped cream, ganache, or a mixture of any of the above. While cakes featuring dacquoise may have their own names, they can also be referred to as dacquoise.

In a nutshell, the term dacquoise can be used to describe a myriad of desserts. Technically dacqoise is the meringue-like layer employed in cake creations. But over the years it has become common to refer to not just the layer but the entire cake as “dacquoise”, giving the term an expanded meaning.

and here is a Dacquoise cake that i, Novi, and Agung made on practice class.

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