Hey! this day was a memorable day, why? Because my team had such a good experience to setup a morning tea on Tribun Timur Online News of Makassar. to maintenance mistakes, we decided to came earlier before 05:00 in the morning. As the result, all the preparations that we made yesterday were worth it.
Oct 7, 2018
Daily Activity 12/9/18 (English)
As my promised that i made on Daily Activity 12/9/18 (Bahasa), in this post i'll explain what is Dacquoise Cake. Ready? Keep reading guys!
It’s not surprising if you’re perplexed by the term dacquoise. While the term is used fairly frequently in the world of cake decorating, the definition is not clear: Is it a specific type of dessert, or is it a type of cake that is used as a component?
Turns out, the term dacquoise (pronounced “dah-kwahze”, in your Frenchest voice, please) can be assigned to both finished dessert and the cake component.
According to Bakepedia, “Originating in the south of France, dacquoise is a meringue made with very finely chopped nuts folded into the mixture before baking.”
It’s not surprising if you’re perplexed by the term dacquoise. While the term is used fairly frequently in the world of cake decorating, the definition is not clear: Is it a specific type of dessert, or is it a type of cake that is used as a component?
Turns out, the term dacquoise (pronounced “dah-kwahze”, in your Frenchest voice, please) can be assigned to both finished dessert and the cake component.
According to Bakepedia, “Originating in the south of France, dacquoise is a meringue made with very finely chopped nuts folded into the mixture before baking.”
Oct 6, 2018
Daily Activity 10/9/18 (English)
So, back again with me.. in this post i'll give you some information about cinnamon roll bread that i made on practice class
Cinnamon Roll Bread is simply cinnamon rolls in loaf form. It's still made with that wonderful combination of a soft and tender yeast dough wrapped around a delicious filling of brown sugar, cinnamon, and chopped nuts. Only instead of cutting the dough into individual rolls, you cut it into three large pieces and place them in a loaf pan. I love how the three spirals of dough fuse together to form one beautiful loaf of Cinnamon Roll Bread. So tasty warm from the oven but I also like it toasted, with a nice slathering of butter.
Daily Activity 30/8/18 (English)
Different from yesterday, on this day we entered the practice class around at 11:30. This time it was Kak Jaya who gave directions on what activities we would do and assisted by Chef Salam.
Because we did not want the incident on Wednesday to mourn again, I took the initiative to direct classmates in the group division. Fortunately, my friends are very easy to work with so that what has been set in the collective agreement can be done well too.
Daily Activity 29/8/18 (English)
After the crashed that happened on me yesterday, i decided to came on practice class today. As usual, Mr Ical gave the instruction what will we do for today and after that we prepared all the ingredients. in my team, Novi did her own personal product and Agung should focus on his morning tea team.
So, i should made the cinnamon roll bread basic on sour dough. I had a problem when i did this product because i really dont know how to do this kind of bread. lucky my friends gave me some help.
So, i should made the cinnamon roll bread basic on sour dough. I had a problem when i did this product because i really dont know how to do this kind of bread. lucky my friends gave me some help.
Daily Activity 13/8/18 (Bahasa)
Hari ini merupakan salah satu hari penting bagi kelompok bahkan mungkin juga kelas saya karena kelompok saya bertugas untuk melakukan setup morning tea di Tribun Timur berita online yang berada di jalan Cendrawasi, Makassar. Pagi kami datang sebelum pukul 05:00 dikarenakan harus menyiapkan apa-apa saja yang akan kami bawa ke Tribun Timur
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Saya, Ardian, Aldy, Nada, Ade, Putra, dan Sigit, ditemani oleh Kak Jaya |
Oct 5, 2018
Pita Pocket Sandwich
Jadi pada video project kali ini saya membuat sebuah makanan(roti) yang bernuansa Mediterranean food tetapi sudah saya kreasikan dengan gaya masakan barat sehingga makanan ini patut untuk dijadikan sebuah menu jika kalian ingin membuat sebuah usaha.
Lalu, apakah definisi sesungguhnya dari Mediterranean food itu sendiri?
Kuliner Mediterania berasal dari negara-negara beriklim sedang di sekitar laut Mediterania, di mana matahari bersinar dan hasil laut yang segar mudah didapatkan. Sinar matahari sekaligus mempengaruhi kualitas hasil bumi seperti sayur, buah, dan biji-bijian menjadi sangat baik.