Mar 22, 2018

Mid Test

Hello Guys! finally mid test for practices class already done. we had so much fun, day by day Mr. Faisal told us that we are getting improve from the past days. My team got Celebes Buffet on thursday, and we really did our best to our foods.

Randy and Ayub handled the appetizers, Aldy and Yuli handled the main course, Novi and Ardy handled the desserts, and me? i was handled the soups. I got helped from Hana, Valent, Ranggo, Muchlis, and Sigit. I really really want to say thanks to them, without their works i can't made the Sop Saudara and Pallu Ce'la tastier, so thank you guys! hope we can make another good team work for the next time.

To be honest, it's really my first time to make Sop Saudara and Pallu Ce'la, and it made me hard to understand the steps how to make. even when i want to make the spice paste, i ask over and over Hana, Valent, Ranggo to make it sure if the paste that i made was right or not. But i'm glad that we made the soups taste good.

last, for my team mates Randy, Ayub, Novi, Aldy, Yuli and Ardy. I know our team still lack of communications, understanding, and each of us still depends on our ego. but it's okay, people have their own mindsets and creativity right? so, thank you for our team work, see you guys on another practice class and i can't wait for the final test!

Peco Doang

Pallu Ce'la
Sop Saudara
Kondro Bakar
Cucur Bayao & Pisang Ijo

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