Jan 30, 2018

Ayam Betutu Recipe

  • 3 Whole       Baby Chicken
  • pinch            Salt
  • pinch            Black Peppercorn
  •                      Banana Leaves for wrap

  • 200gr           Cassava Leaves
  • 600gr           Base Genep
  • 6pcs             Salam Leave

  • Place the chicken into the bowl, and then mix well with 3/4 of the spice paste and add the salam leaves
  • For Stuffing, mix the cassava leaves with the remaining marinade paste, and then put it in the cavity of the chicken
  • Cover the whole of Chicken with banana leaves of aluminum foil and put in the refrigerator for 2 hours or more
  • Preheat the oven to a medium-high heat then cook the kitchen in the oven until cooked thoroughly
  • serve with rice and young jackfruit stewed

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